경마잘하는법, 경마초보자 삼쌍승식 고배당 적중비법, 경마고수 정보 공유 커뮤니티
처칠다운스 경마장 삼관경주 켄터키더비 방역대책 발표! 무관중 시행으로 변경
2020-08-12 21:00

세계 최고의 스포츠 이벤트! Run for the Roses, Kentucky Derby
미국 켄터키주 루이빌의 처칠다운스 경마장은 9월 5일 시행하는 삼관경주 제146회 켄터키더비 코로나19 방역대책을 12일 발표했다.
62페이지에 달하는 헬스 & 세이프티 플랜이다.
입장객은 역대 최다 경마팬이 운집한 2015년 대회 170,513명 기준 14%(최대 23,000명) 이하로 제한한다.
6월말 판매한 인필드 티켓은 환불하며 예약을 다시 받는다.
좌석 예약은 최대 40% 수준으로 제한한다.
더비 무관중 경마 시행
대회 주최측은 루이빌(Louisville) 지역 코로나19 확산으로 무관중 경마를 시행한다고 8월 21일 발표했다.
- Kentucky Derby to Run Without Fans at Churchill Downs
- Derby Safety Plan.pdf
- 2020년 미 삼관경주 일정 확정
- Derby Plan Announced; Capacity to be Less Than 23,000
We're only 25 days away #KyDerby pic.twitter.com/aFfkGuUnz1
— Kentucky Derby (@KentuckyDerby) August 11, 2020
Highlights of the plan include:
• Attendance will be limited with no Standing Room Only or “Walk Around” tickets and a maximum of 40% occupancy of reserved seats.
• There will be no general admission tickets throughout Kentucky Derby Week. Attendance will be limited to guests with reserved seats. The Infield will be closed on Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby days.
• Wearing cloth face coverings will be mandatory throughout the entire venue, both indoors and outdoors, when not actively consuming food or beverage.
• Everyone entering Churchill Downs will be screened via a medical questionnaire and a contactless thermometer. Individuals with a temperature in excess of 100 degrees will be prohibited from entering Churchill Downs.
• Personal-use hand sanitizers will be provided upon entry and more than 500 hand sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the facility.
• Signage will be displayed throughout the venue to encourage healthy practices and staff and security will move about the facility to monitor conditions and assist customers.
• Access throughout the facility will be severely limited. Entry points to any seating sections beyond designated seating areas throughout the facility will be eliminated.
• Seating with up to 40% capacity will be repositioned to provide for greater distancing.
• Pari-mutuel tellers will be properly spaced and provided PPE for betting transactions. Guests are encouraged to wager online through TwinSpires.com, the official advance deposit wagering platform of Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby.
• Options from concession stands will be limited to mostly pre-packaged foods. Plated meals and meal packages from pre-set menus will be served in other locations.
• With the reduced capacity, guest shuttles from offsite parking locations are being eliminated and guests are encouraged to utilize neighborhood-parking options. Refunds will be made to all attending ticket holders that had offsite parking included with a reserved seat.
• To reduce crowding, select Kentucky Derby Week activities have been eliminated including autograph signings, concerts in the Plaza, fashion contests, Taste of Derby, the Survivors Parade and the Red Carpet.
• Dawn at the Downs, the annual event to dine while observing morning workouts, has been moved to Monday, Aug. 31, and will be limited to guests with reserved seats; there will be no free general admission.
• Key programming elements will transition to digital platforms.
• The stable area will be restricted to essential personnel. Guests and parties in the stable area for morning workouts and during race days will be prohibited.
• Additional protocols for Stable Area personnel and race participants (jockeys, trainers, grooms, etc.) will be finalized in the coming days.
전체 0
전체 372
번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 작성일 | 추천 | 조회 |
공지사항 |
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198 |
일본중앙경마회 교토경마장 리뉴얼 공사로 21년 대상경주 개최 장소 변경
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197 |
일본 삼관경주 슈카쇼 추첨 제외 레이 파팔레(Lei Papale) 오하라 스테익스 압승
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김타쿠닷컴 | 2020.10.19 | 0 | 3354 |
196 |
뉴질랜드 경마 리바몰 클래식(Livamol Classic) 암말 멜로디벨(Melody Belle) 2연패
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195 |
홍콩 샤틴경마장 Sha Tin Trophy(G2) 골든식스티(Golden Sixty) 9연승
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조회 3111
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194 |
한국마사회 10월 서울, 부경 경마시행계획 변경 및 재개 계획(안)
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조회 3815
강운마권 | 2020.10.14 | 0 | 3815 |
193 |
미국경마 무패의 3세마 나달(Nadal) 일본 샤다이 스탤리온 스테이션 씨수말 매입
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192 |
금주 도쿄 오오이경마 5일간 개최! 동경배, 암말 대상경주 경마예상 대결
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조회 4048
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191 |
유럽 최고 경마대회 프랑스 개선문상 우승후보 0순위 러브(Love) 출전 취소
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190 |
일본중앙경마 엘리자베스여왕배, 마일챔피언십 G1 국제경주에 외국마 9두 등록
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